
The List Of 5-Letter Words With OWL In The Middle

Welcome to the wonderful world of words! Here at The List Of, we collect and share lists of words that are fun to learn and easy to remember. Today we have a list of 5-letter words with OWL in the middle.

What is a word with OWL in the middle?

There are actually quite a few words with OWL in the middle! Some of the most common include: howl, scowl, prowl, drowse, and foul.

Interestingly, all of these words are mostly associated with negative connotations. For example, to howl is to cry or wail loudly, usually in pain or frustration. To scowl is to frown or look angry. To prowl is to move stealthily or menacingly, as if searching for prey. And of course, to drowse is to sleep or doze lightly.

So why do all of these words have OWL in the middle? Well, it turns out that the word owl has some interesting linguistic origins. According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, the word owl comes from the Old English word ūle, which means “nightmare.” In other words, an owl was originally seen as a creature that caused bad dreams!

So there you have it: a list of words with OWL in the middle. Whether you’re looking for a way to describe a spooky creature of the night or simply want to add some variety to your vocabulary, these words should do the trick!

5-Letter Words with OWL in the Middle List · bowls · cowls · dowle · dowls · dowly · fowls · gowls · howls

Are you a fan of words that have the letters OWL in the middle? If so, you’re in luck! Here is a list of five-letter words that have OWL in the middle.

1. Bowls
2. Cowls
3. Dowle
4. Dowls
5. Dowly
6. Fowls
7. Gowls
8. Howls

How to pronounce words with OWL in the middle?

There are a few ways to pronounce words with OWL in the middle. The most common way is to say the letters OW as one sound, like the word “cow”. Another way is to say each letter separately, like the word “how”.

There are also some words that have OWL in the middle but are pronounced differently. For example, the word “fowl” is pronounced like “foul”. And the word “bowler” is pronounced like “bow-ler“.

If you’re not sure how to pronounce a word with OWL in the middle, you can always look it up in a dictionary.

1. How to find words with OWL in the middle?

There are a few different ways that you can go about finding words that have OWL in the middle. One way is to use a word search tool like Word Finder. Simply enter the letters OWL into the search tool and it will generate a list of words that contain those letters.

Another way to find words with OWL in the middle is to use a dictionary. Simply look up each letter of OWL in the dictionary and see if there are any words that contain those letters.

You can also try looking for words with OWL in the middle by using an online word generator tool. This type of tool will create a list of random words for you, and some of them may have OWL in the middle.

Words with OWL in the Middle

There are a number of words that have OWL in the middle. Some of these words include:


These words all have OWL in the middle. Each word has a different meaning, but they all share the common thread of having OWL in the middle.

More Letter Posts

There are quite a few words that have the letters “owl” in the middle. Some of these words include:

– bowel
– drowsy
– howl
– howler
– prowl
– scowl
– tower
– vowel

These words all have different meanings, but they all share the same middle letters. It’s interesting to note that some of these words are very common, while others are not used as often. However, they all have a place in the English language.


The list of words with “owl” in the middle is a great resource for anyone who loves word games or is looking for a unique way to decorate their home. There are so many possibilities for what you can do with these words, and they are sure to add a touch of whimsy to any setting. Thanks for reading and enjoy exploring all the different ways you can use these words!

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