
The Meaning Behind the ‘Smile Now, Cry Later’ Expression

Smiling now and crying later is a phrase that’s been used for hundreds of years to express the idea that you should enjoy the moment and avoid worrying about the future. It’s also commonly used to describe someone who has just experienced something very happy or exciting but who won’t be as happy later on. This means that this person is dealing with some mixed emotions. However, it’s uncertain where this expression comes from or what it originally meant. Theories range from its origins as a proverb, an old English saying, or an African reference to a common phrase among slaves in America during the 19th century. Moreover, there are multiple versions of this idiom in different languages that have their meaning behind them.

Origins of the Expression Smile Now, Cry Later

This phrase is a variation on the common idiom “smile and bears it.” A common interpretation of this phrase is that people should avoid expressing their negative emotions. This can cause the person to repress their emotions and feel even worse when they don’t get to properly deal with them. When you smile now and cry later, you acknowledge that you’re feeling negative emotions but you choose to focus on the happy moment as opposed to dwelling on them. This means that you’re avoiding making the problem worse by repressing your emotions. It also means that you have the intention of dealing with the issue later on when you have the time and space to properly process your feelings.

Smiling Now and Laughing Later

The term “smiling now and laughing later” is often used to describe someone who is currently in a great situation but who isn’t going to be so lucky later on. This person might be in a relationship or friendship where they are being taken advantage of. Alternatively, they might be in a bad situation that is about to get worse. This means that this person is dealing with some conflicting emotions. In this situation, the person could benefit from seeking help from others so that they can properly deal with their problems and avoid being even more upset in the future.

The Idiom “Smiling Now and Shaking Later”

The phrase “smiling now and shaking later” is a common phrase used to describe a decision or situation that will have negative consequences in the future. This phrase is often used when someone makes a decision that will hurt them in the long run. For example, a person might take out a loan that they can’t afford because they want to buy something now that they don’t have enough money to pay for later. The person might be dealing with conflicting emotions. They might know that the decision is bad but they are choosing to ignore their negative feelings and focus on their desire to have the item now. This can be a warning sign that the person is repressing their emotions. To avoid making a bad situation worse, it’s important to acknowledge and deal with your negative emotions.

The Idiom “Shaking with Laughter”

The phrase “shaking with laughter” is a variation on the common saying “laughing so hard you cry.” This phrase is used to describe a situation or person who is so happy that they start crying. This often happens when people are enjoying themselves or when someone tells a hilarious joke. In this situation, the person is dealing with some conflicting emotions. They’re so happy that they’re crying, but they’re also able to laugh amid their tears. Shaking with laughter could be a sign that the person is repressing their emotions but also able to properly deal with them.

Final Words: Where Did the Expression Come From?

There are many theories about the origins of the phrase “smiling now and crying later.” One theory is that the phrase came from an African proverb that’s used to describe people who are “happy and sad at the same time.” There’s also an English saying that uses the phrase “laugh now and cries later.” This expression is used to describe people who laugh at the misfortune of others. All of these theories are a little different from one another. It’s possible that each one helped contribute to the rise of the modern version of this idiom, which is “smiling now and crying later.”


This expression is commonly used to describe people who are in a situation where they are very happy but also worried about what is going to happen next. It also describes someone who is in a situation where they are currently upset but they know that they should be happy. This phrase is also sometimes used to describe a decision that will have negative consequences later on. In any situation, this idiom encourages you to enjoy the moment and not worry about what will happen in the future.

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